US News


The war between a married couple who live together in a house divided by a wall is heating up . . . and freezing . . . and overflowing.

Yesterday in Brooklyn Family Court, Chana Taub accused her estranged husband, Simon, of manipulating the controls for air conditioning, heat plumbing and other utilities – all of which, she said, are on his side of the divided house.

“He controls everything,” Chana, 57, said.

Her lawyer, Irvin Rosenthal, asked that temporary orders of protection be modified so she could visit Simon’s side. Bur Simon quickly shot back, “She has everything . . . There’s a button. She doesn’t know how to control it. She’s retarded.”

Hearing Officer Margaret Cammer declined to further complicate the case. The Taubs’ split became news last year when Judge Carolyn Demarest ordered a wall built – inside their Borough Park home.