US News


WASHINGTON – Democratic White House front-runner Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton easily outpaces her closest rival, Sen. Barack Obama, in a double-dose of good poll news yesterday.

A new Harris Interactive-Wall Street Journal poll of 1,022 expected Democratic voters gave Clinton the nod over Obama, 40 percent to 27 percent – up 8 points from a similar poll conducted in April.

While Clinton was rising, the poll found ex-Sen. John Edwards fading from the top tier of candidates, dropping 2 points to a paltry 12 percent.

With Obama emerging as the lone rival visible in Clinton’s rearview mirror, a new Gallup Poll pitted the two head to head – and Clinton cruised, 54 percent to 40 percent.

With the entire Democratic field included, Clinton leads Obama, 35 percent to 26 percent.

The poll had an estimated 5-point margin or error.