
EXPLORING: Which way to Moldova?

Pretty: A little Art Nouveau-ness in the Serbian town of Subotica/Vukovic Ivan

The Eurovision song contest is over for another year. (What, you weren’t glued to the streaming tube Saturday night?) One of the greatest things about the show that begat Pop Idol which begat American Idol – it’s not all about Spanish boy bands, German rat packers or Ukrainian cross-dressers, you know – is that it draws our attention to countries that we don’t think about very often. Like Serbia, the winner of this year’s wingding, for instance. Have you been to Serbia? Us neither. We suppose that Belgrade will have its day in the sun soon, though – the winning team always hosts the next competition.

Speaking of hidden countries – interesting story here about Moldova, in case you’re wondering what life’s like over there. A BBC panel called that country’s entry ‘tailor made for a Bond film’ or something like that. It was a pretty cool song. Check it and all the other finalists out here. (Hint: Clicking on Video gets you the full song. Audio’s only a clip. Though in some cases – here’s frowning at you, U.K. & Ireland -that may be a good thing.)