The Post’s Steve Serby chatted with The Rocket via phone from Lexington, Ky., where the right-hander has begun workouts for his return to The Bronx.

Q: You’ll be with your son, Koby, in Lexington on Mother’s Day, and then head to Tampa.

A: Mother’s Day brings back a lot of great memories. Every Mother’s Day, I receive a phone call from my sister, and we always make sure we keep my grandmother, Myrtle, and my mother, Bess (who passed away in 2005 from emphysema at 75), in everybody’s mind … and my mother-in-law … and the boys. I’ll be on top of them to make sure they take care of (my wife) Deb. I was raised by great, strong women. That’s just the way it happened.

Q: How difficult was last Mother’s Day, your first without your mom?

A: It was difficult. I carry a little photo card in my wallet of my mother throwing out the first pitch at Yankee Stadium (in August of 2003). The only other two times I’d seen her smile that big was her meeting with Muhammad Ali and, of course, her favorite of all time was George Strait.

I save a lot of stuff. Way back when, I gave her my Texas national-championship jacket. It was pretty emotional going through all that stuff. I had a Yankee cap I wore at the University of Texas. She still had my silk Yankee jacket with a white armband on it.

Q: Where is all your stuff now?

A: Back in Houston. I found my national-championship hat. She still had the broom from when we swept Atlanta in the ’99 World Series. She did not feel well enough to walk out of the Regency Hotel, so I took some of the guys back to the Regency to hug her. She was waving that broom in my face when I walked through the door!

Q: She saved dirt from your 300th win.

A: My two younger ones had gotten one of (the Yankee Stadium) security guards to give them plastic bags. They grabbed dirt off the mound and put it in three plastic bags. One was for her. I think she prompted them to do that.

Q: What was her reaction when you signed with the Yankees the first time?

A: She’d ask questions about Mr. Steinbrenner. I told her if he’s got a dollar in his pocket and it cost two dollars to make the team better, he’d do it. How can you not like to play for somebody like that?

Q: Will the Rocket Rules be a problem?

A: If my oldest one (Koby) is in a rut and he thinks he needs me, I’ll address that with Cash (GM Brian Cashman) and Joe (Torre). People talk about this like I was just waiting around the house for another home start.

Q: If Yankee fans suddenly forget about A-Rod’s spring heroics and start booing him again, would you appeal to them to stop?

A: I would hate to see where the club would have been … I’m hoping the page has been turned. They’re allowed to express their feelings. Andy (Pettitte) said (A-Rod’s) in a good place right now. That’s good to hear. You always worry about that. There’s only one thing to do and that’s win the whole deal.

Q: If you return in 2008, do you think you could have an influence on A-Rod staying instead of opting out?

A: I don’t think any of my decisions would factor into his decision. What I’ve read is that he wants to be in New York. Hopefully that’s the case. He’s a tremendous talent. A dangerous hitter.

Q: Will he eventually hold the career home run record?

A: He would be my pick. I thought it might be (Ken) Griffey Jr. before all the injuries. My money would be on (A-Rod).

Q: Which Yankees recruited you the hardest?

A: I talked to Jorge (Posada) quite a bit and Jete (Derek Jeter) and Andy, mainly. And a few of the guys who work inside the clubhouse when they needed stuff signed for charities.

Q: If Pettitte had signed with the Red Sox and the money were equal, would your decision have been different?

A: I didn’t see Andy going anywhere else. I hope he feels strong enough so he can approach some of Whitey Ford’s (team) records. I enjoy battling with him because I know his heart.

Q: If all goes well and your body feels good, would you consider going to spring training next year with the Yankees?

A: That’s a good question. I expect my body to feel pretty good … I would be as interested having an opportunity to work with the minor-league guys too. I don’t care to coach, I enjoy teaching. To me, there’s a big difference. My offseason with my Foundation and the commitments I have in Houston … it’s not all playing baseball. I’m trying to balance it best I can. I just don’t know what to expect. I think I’ll better answer that if I’m rollin’ pretty good.

Q: So you wouldn’t rule it out?

A: I’m not gonna talk about retirement anymore. It’s just not working (chuckles). I’m failing miserably at retirement.

Q: Maybe you’ll pitch until you’re 50.

A: The new stadium is around the corner. That sure would be fun to open (it) up (in 2009). I’ll be part of it; I don’t know if I’ll be an active part of it.

Q: Did you come back to the Yankees for the big stage – for World-Series-Or-Bust?

A: I could care less if it’s Boston, New York … if I’m playing for the World Team or the Wednesday afternoon businessman’s special somewhere. You still have to be accountable, and people expect certain things.

Q: Why are you never satisfied?

A: I’ve touched everything in the game I want to touch. I have no problem with having a third ring. The two most dramatic World Series I played in I was on the losing end … ’86 (with the Bill Buckner Red Sox against the Mets) and 2001 (with the Yankees losing to the Diamondbacks). Probably one of my best games ever was in Game 7 against (Curt) Schilling; I was in position to get it done there, but sometimes it doesn’t work out.

Q: You enjoy intimidation on the mound?

A: If intimidation’s winning, I’m all for it. You pitch inside to make a 17-inch plate a 24-inch plate. You pitch inside to expand the strike zone. You don’t pitch inside to hit people.

Q: Your definition of a throwback?

A: A compliment from Yogi, when he told me: “You could pitch in our era.” I think I do it the right way. It was instilled from my mom working three jobs.

Q: You try to beat the hitter physically, mentally and emotionally. Which will be hardest for you to accomplish now?

A: The last four years have been taxing physically and mentally. Physically, I’m preparing to get ready. Mentally, if I’m not there, I need to focus more. Emotion is trying to keep it together when your mother throws out the first pitch at Yankee Stadium. I told her she had better stuff than I did that night. The toughest game I pitched (a victory over the Marlins) was when I had to drive two hours (from Georgetown to Houston) after my mother passed away. Of course, she had the best seat in the house.

Q: She wanted you to pitch that night?

A: That’s correct. I wasn’t gonna leave those guys (Astros) hangin’.

Q: David Wells?

A: My buddies are all calling me: “Can you believe Boomer mouthing off?” Some people might want to look in the mirror before they talk about respecting the game.

Q: The most agonizing part of your workouts?

A: The time frame I have in my resting stations as short and few in between. I wouldn’t have to do this if I wasn’t a power pitcher. The hardest thing is my recovery time.

Q: Pitching to Posada again?

A: We can challenge each other and not hurt each other’s feelings. I’ve had great catchers to work with … I don’t know that I’ve ever had one that can be better than him offensively. That’s so difficult to do when you’re handling a pitching staff.

Q: Ron Guidry, your new pitching coach?

A: There’s a calm nature to him. I’m looking forward to talking to him about pitching more in-depth and my approach.

Q: You lived in Manhattan the first time around. Will you live there now?

A: I’m thinking about it. I really enjoyed the city. It was more intimidating when I was younger. Probably Deb enjoyed it the most.

Q: New York restaurants you missed.

A: Campagnola. Jackson Hole.

Q: Is it different wearing the Pinstripes?

A: It’s just so much history, and you continue to make history. Every time you win, you create more. You appreciate the people coming to watch you work.