US News


Andy Warhol will get an extension on his 15 minutes of fame next month when a life-sized bronze statue of the late artist is installed in SoHo’s Father Fagan Park.

The 5-foot-8, 300-pound statue – created by Queens native Jack Dowd – is to mark the 20th-anniversary year of Warhol’s death. The artist would have turned 79 in August.

“I’m intrigued by [Warhol],” said Dowd, 69, whose “Man and His Dog” sculpture graced Tompkins Square Park in 1999.

“I’m surprised no one did anything to remember his death [Feb. 22, 1987], considering what a larger-than-life figure he was in New York. I equate him to Elvis, in a way.”

The sculpture – currently in Sarasota, Fla., near Dowd’s home – depicts Warhol crossing his arms in his signature wig and glasses.

Dowd spent a month sculpting the work out of clay, then cast it in bronze. The park is on Sixth Avenue, between Prince and Spring streets.