US News


A judge yesterday sentenced disgraced Brooklyn Democratic Party boss Clarence Norman to one to three years behind bars for shaking down a judicial candidate.

Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Martin Marcus also ordered “King of Brooklyn” Norman to pay back $10,000 he coerced from former civil-court judge Karen Yellen, $1,000 of which went to a fellow politician and $9,000 to pay a favored get-out-the-vote operative.

It was the third criminal conviction in two years for Norman, who remains free on bail and has vowed to appeal.

Norman was found guilty in February of grand larceny in what prosecutors called a scheme to extort judicial candidate Yellen.

Norman was also found guilty of one count each of attempted grand larceny and coercion, but was acquitted on five other counts.

At two trials in 2005, Norman was found guilty of stealing $5,000 donated to his re-election committee in 2001, and of trying to conceal $10,000 in contributions.

He was acquitted last year of unlawfully billing the Assembly for mileage on a Lincoln Town Car leased by the Democratic Party.

Oral arguments are set for tomorrow to determine whether Norman should be allowed to remain free on bail pending his appeals.

“For now, this is a good result,” said lawyer Richard Mischel, as he strolled out of court with Norman.

Yellen sat quietly by herself in a corner of the Brooklyn courtroom as Marcus imposed sentence. Her upper lip quivered before she forced a slight grin as she appeared to fight back her emotions.

“It’s somewhat closure for me . . . it was justice,” Yellen whispered outside court.

Yellen said it’s “unlikely” she’ll ever seek election to the bench.

A sitting judge when she lost during a 2002 primary, Yellen testified against Norman and recounted how he yelled in the face of her campaign manager to demand the strong-armed loot.

Prosecutor Kevin Richardson painted Norman as a tyrannical monarch, who didn’t hesitate to wield authority against powerless subjects.

“Clarence Norman himself demanded they do it [pay], or they were out!” Richardson said, slamming his fist on the lawyers’ table. “At that time, Clarence Norman wore the crown. He was the king of Brooklyn.”

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