

Natasha Ramen had her throat slashed by the man who previously raped her in order to stop her from testifying against him (“Law & Disorder: SVU,” Editorial, March 22).

Now we find out that Brooklyn DA Charles “Joe” Hynes’ office failed to notify the judge of the defendant’s subsequent arrest for threatening the victim’s family members.

I can’t say that I’m surprised. In the last few months, besides this case, we have seen two of Hynes’ assistant district attorneys dismissed.

How long will this political hack get a free pass? I think it’s time for him to go.

Patrick Perry

Staten Island


Even the headline of your editorial shows that your paper prefers fantasy over reality.

On TV, prosecutors are perfect – Jack McCoy rarely errs. But in the real world, underpaid and overworked prosecutors make mistakes, which clearly happened in the Ramen case.

But crucifying the prosecutor and questioning the DA’s competence because of human error is unfair.

Hynes, more than any other prosecutor, has demonstrated a commitment to “special victims” that pre-dates popular TV shows.

In his office, victims are treated with the respect they deserve and are offered a variety of services that even a TV show could not imagine.

I know, because I worked there, and I saw the dedication of the special-victim ADAs who took on the jobs that many of us could not handle.

Dennis Hawkins



Officials must rethink much more than the abysmal incompetence in Hynes’ office.

From the courts to law enforcement, we must address the bureaucratic apathy and bottom-line expedience that allow rapists, murderers and gang members to pose a continuing threat, even when common sense shows they should not be out on the street.

Bureaucrats and judges will defend the system with stupid assertions like “that’s the law,” yet repeat offenders constantly harm citizens.

My heart goes out to the family of Ramen, and I grieve for our society. We lost a promising young person because our system has lost its moral compass.

Barry Moskowitz

The Bronx