US News


ALBANY – Embattled state Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno and the head of the state Republican Party fired back at Conservative Leader Michael Long yesterday, saying he’s wrong to prefer Gov. Spitzer’s budget to the GOP-backed plan.

“If anyone’s lost their way, take a look at the votes that go on that [Conservative ballot] line,” said Bruno (R-Rensselaer), referring to the recent decline in Conservative Party votes.

Long, a longtime ally of the state GOP, stunned many people on Thursday when he contended in a letter to Democrat Spitzer that his record-high state budget proposal was better than an even larger plan backed by Bruno.

State Republican Party boss Joseph Mondello, a strong Bruno ally, responded to Long’s letter with his own “Dear Mike” letter of his own.

He contended Long’s letter left the impression that Conservatives “condone the governor’s proposed spending plan which raises taxes – including massive new taxes on businesses – further stifling entrepreneurship and job creation in a state that sorely lags much of the nation in economic growth.”