US News


A program giving public-school principals more funding, power and accountability is going under the microscope at a City Council Education Committee hearing tomorrow.

While many principals, teachers and parents praise the school-empowerment program – launched in 332 schools this year – others have serious reservations about the city’s plan to make it available to every public school starting next year.

Under the program, a school receives about $150,000 in additional funding and complete control over its budget and curriculum. In exchange, principals must sign performance agreements promising certain levels of academic achievement.

Some observers worry that performance agreements place too much emphasis on tests and that inexperienced principals cannot succeed under the system.

But supporters say the freedom granted allows leaders to do what’s best for the students and gets all members of the school community involved.

Next year, all schools will be eligible for the empowerment program under a reorganization that requires principals to implement a “support model” in their schools.

Empowerment is one option. Another is to partner with a private company that will help develop a curriculum, as well as provide other assistance.

The city issued a request for proposals for organizations in early February, and received more than 30 responses by last week’s deadline.

Education officials said several of the companies – which could be either nonprofits or for-profits – will be selected in the next two months.