US News


Hot-tempered former Knick Latrell Sprewell glowered yesterday through a brief court appearance related to a bizarre December standoff during which he allegedly roughed up the mother of four of his kids and barricaded himself inside their posh Westchester home.

Sprewell was arraigned on misdemeanor assault charges, and Judge Marc Lust ordered the coach-choking All-Star to stay away from his children and gal pal, Candace Cabbil, 37. She is the mother of four of his kids and also cares for his fifth.

Lust’s order extends the order of protection that allegedly sparked Sprewell’s fury in December.

Sprewell, 35, stormed into their $3 million house in Purchase on Dec. 11 and shoved Cabbil, smashing her finger, according to police.

He then allegedly dragged her down a flight of stairs and pushed her out of the house, injuring her left knee and foot.

He surrendered after a 1 1/2-hour-long standoff with cops.

Yesterday, Sprewell arrived late to the Harrison Town Court after flying in from Wisconsin.

He faces one count of third-degree assault, five counts of endangering the welfare of a child and one charge of obstructing governmental administration.

Sprewell said little during the 15-minute proceeding. He answered, “We haven’t talked,” when asked if he had had much contact with Cabbil since the alleged assault.

Lust restricted Sprewell’s communication with his five kids to phone and e-mail.