US News


WASHINGTON – British Prime Minister Tony Blair, a steadfast American ally in the war on terror, will announce today he’s reducing the number of British troops in Iraq, a source said last night.

According to British media reports, Blair will reveal at Parliament that he plans to cut 1,500 troops from the 7,000-man British contingent in southern Iraq – and possibly another 1,500 by the end of the year.

The British troops going home would be replaced by Iraqi military and police units, and remaining British troops in the area would act as back-up to Iraqi forces who would gradually assume more responsibilities, according to the Financial Times.

Blair’s move to reduce troops comes at a time when the United States is increasing its military presence in Baghdad and Anbar province.

The White House confirmed that Bush spoke to Blair yesterday on videophone about the troop reduction, and told him that this was a “sign of success” that he’s able to take that step. Blair, who is nearing the end of his term, has suffered politically for his refusal to desert Bush as popularity for the Iraq war plummeted.

But today’s move is expected to be presented as the first good news in months.

Blair will argue that the situation on the ground in Basra and southern Iraq is getting far more stable, enabling the Iraqi government to assume greater responsibility for security.