

THE ISSUE: The House vote to condemn President Bush’s request for an Iraq troop surge.

Once again, Ralph Peters gets it exactly right (“Treason,” Feb. 17). Giving aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war is treason.

If the Democrats succeed in defeating America in Iraq, just as they did in Vietnam, the War on Terror will continue worse than ever.

We will have to fight alone, because no other nation would trust a cut-and-run America with a permanent, Democratic fifth column that will always sabotage our war effort for political and ideological reasons.
George E. Rubin


Peters doesn’t consider that the war in Iraq is, so far, the biggest blunder of the 21st century or that President Bush and the Republicans are incapable of finding a rational solution.

They are sacrificing soldiers in the name of propping up another corrupt regime, and are calling upon our volunteer army to sacrifice hearts and minds, life and limb, for something that is irresponsible and unworthy.
Arthur Kovacs
Englewood, N.J.


Peters is correct to condemn the cowardly behavior on Capital Hill.

The unbelievable reality is that many in Congress have become so devious as to welcome our country’s defeat in this crucial struggle in Iraq. They would rather afford their political aims a leg up.

But Peters fails to discuss the shameful role that is played by the barons of the mainstream media. They are the ones who manipulate the images fed to millions of Americans, day after day, making the people question their country’s righteousness.

The outcome is reflected in the polls, over which opportunistic politicians fret.
Robert Zeidman
Framingham, Mass.


The Post’s headline “Treason” is a disgrace.

The majority of Americans now realize that Iraq was a cooked-up, unnecessary war that has cost this country not only thousands of lives, but billions of dollars.

To call any member of Congress who doesn’t agree with The Post’s blind, pro-Bush agenda a traitor is, in itself, virtually treasonous.

But even I do not call Bush or others in his wholly incompetent administration traitors. I just call them what they are – incompetent.
Vicki Cheikes


Thank you, Peters, for your insightful take on this despicable act by those who supposedly represent us in Washington.

Not only do we need to throw those bums out, we should send them straight to prison for treason in a time of war.
Ronald Hamric
Pine, Ariz.


The Post should be ashamed of its outrageous headline on Saturday.

The Democrats were elected to counter this irresponsible war that was foisted on this country by a cowardly president.

You are entitled to support Bush, but others can oppose his unpopular policies created through fraud.
Jerome Tarnoff


I must agree with Peters’ current assessment of the Democratic Party.

Since 9/11, the Democrats have never been comfortable with classifying the War on Terror as a real war.

Rather, they have employed political sophistry, such as “I’m against the war but support the troops,” as a means of placating voters.

This has allowed them to remain safely on the sidelines, where they create no real policy of their own and dishonor the men and women who have served our nation for the past six years.
Jay Matuk
Miller Place


The Post always has been right on the money on its take of politicians who criticize Bush’s policy in Iraq.

This political vote against Bush’s troop surge will damage our troops’ morale, and we will become the laughing stock of the world.

Our credibility and respectability as a leader that helps oppressed countries around the world will be diminished.

Humanity’s hope for freedom, dignity and a decent life will be destroyed by our senators and congressmen simply because they want to destroy Bush and his policy.
Juan DeGuzman
Valley Cottage


Elected representatives numbering 246, including 17 Republicans, outvoted 182 elected representatives, including Democrats, which is in line with what the nation said in November.

Treason? It sounds like democracy to me.
Jim Lopa
Landsdale, Pa.


Not content with losing Vietnam, the Democrats are attempting to relive their glory days by forcing America to lose in Iraq, as well.

If they succeed, the next 9/11 will be nuclear, sole courtesy of the Democratic Party.
Dave Becher
East Northport