WHAT does a biomedical engineer technician actually do all day?

All of the sophisticated equipment used in health-care settings needs to be set up, maintained and repaired. A biomedical engineer technician – also known as a BMET – tends to complex medical machinery as varied as computerized operating tables, MRI machines and lasers. During a typical workday, a BMET may set up and calibrate new equipment and instruct medical personnel on how to use it properly. Other tasks may include scheduled maintenance and equipment inspections, troubleshooting problems and making repairs.

BMETs work for hospitals, medical technology manufacturers and service firms. The usual workday shift is 9 to 5, but emergency night or weekend calls are not uncommon.

What kind of cash are we talking about here?

In the New York metropolitan area, BMETs make a median salary of $56,534. Supervisors and BMETs specializing in extremely complex equipment may earn $20,000 to $30,000 more.

What do you have to do to get this job?

You’ll need to complete an associate’s degree program in biomedical technology, which usually takes two years. Plan on further on-the-job training once employed. BMETs need good mechanical ability, an affinity for math and life sciences, and good teamwork and communication skills.

OK, tell me the bad part.

Patients’ health, and even lives, can depend on how well you do your work. Health-care settings can be hectic and stressful at times, and caregivers may be anxious to have their equipment up and running properly. BMETs must stay calm, thorough and meticulous through it all.

What’s the upside?

Double-digit job growth is predicted for biomedical engineer technicians in the coming decade, and it’s a job with a lot of upside potential. Those with experience may go on to supervisory, consulting or other higher-level positions. Other advantages: Every day is a little different, and your work directly helps people.