US News


Gov. Spitzer hopes the state Senate will pass a sweeping series of reforms, and then publicly challenge the Democratic-controlled Assembly to do the same.

His plan depends on the success of his “all-out effort” to wrest control of the Senate from Republicans.

If he accomplishes that, he’ll use a Democratic-led Senate as a hammer to smash Speaker Sheldon Silver’s Assembly power, insiders say. In theory, a Spitzer-allied Senate would team up with the governor against Silver’s Assembly in the lawmaking process.

Spitzer – who led the successful effort to help a Democrat win last week’s special Nassau County Senate race – is known to believe that “up to three” Senate Republicans will soon become Democrats or “go neutral,” thereby switching control of the Legislature’s upper house to his party.

What’s more, “at least two others [Republicans] may be leaving the Senate soon, creating new special-election opportunities,” said a source familiar with Spitzer’s thinking.

Last week, the governor battled fellow Democrats, including Silver, over the selection of a new state comptroller.

Spitzer’s breathtakingly aggressive strategy has led other senior state Democrats, including some close to Silver, to describe Spitzer as “out of control,” “crazy” and a “would-be dictator.”

The critics also claim that Spitzer has poisoned the traditionally stormy relations with the Legislature faster than any modern governor.

Spitzer’s harsh personal attacks on individual legislators – including Silver – have left many at the Capitol convinced the state Democratic Party may soon split into pro- and anti-Spitzer factions.

Spitzer’s reform and budget agenda, not to mention some of the appointments he wants to make, could be jeopardized if he continues to wage war on the Legislature, insiders warned.

“Eliot has no friends anymore,” one Democratic activist said. “The lawmakers are mad at him. The unions are mad at him. He has no base. He’s out there all by himself.”

Six weeks into Spitzer’s administration, the Republican-controlled Senate has yet to confirm any of Spitzer’s appointments.

Spitzer aides blame a backlog of background checks by State Police. But senators have talked about a “more thorough” vetting of appointees that will include more public hearings.

“The majority will go through, but some may have some issues,” Sen. Martin Golden (R-Brooklyn) said.

Spitzer spokeswoman Christine Anderson said, “I wouldn’t put anything past them.”

“Eliot is committed to doing the job the people elected him to do, and that means working with the Legislature to pass a budget that meets the needs of the people on a timely basis.”