Weird But True


A man pulled over by police in Manchester, N.H., on suspicion of DWI – after he had slammed into two cars – continued swigging beer while he was being arrested.

He told cops, “You can charge me with whatever you want. It’s not going to stop me from drinking and driving.”

It was his fourth DWI bust, police said.

A Pittsburgh woman drove to Pennsylvania State Police barracks to be fingerprinted for a civilian job – and ended up under arrest.

Seems that after her prints were taken, cops found out she was wanted in Georgia for stealing a car.

It was the same car she had driven to the police barracks. Duh!

A British man who was dumped by his girlfriend before their romantic getaway is now offering the Caribbean vacation at a five-star resort to the woman who bids the most on eBay.

Adam Croot, 39, of Wokingham had planned to take his gal pal on the $4,700 trip – and even propose to her – before she ditched him.

“I just hate seeing anything go to waste,” says Croot, who is warning bidders, “The only catch [to the offer] is you have to come with me.”

China has come up with an unusual earthquake-warning system – snakes.

The creepy slitherers can sense an earthquake from 70 miles away, three to five days in advance – and they respond by behaving strangely, according to the head of the earthquake bureau in quake-prone Nanning.

“When an earthquake is about to occur, snakes will move out of their nests, even in the cold of winter,” he said.

“If the earthquake is a big one, the snakes will even smash into walls while trying to escape.”

A motorist in Berlin ended up wedged upside down in a drainage pipe after trying to retrieve his car keys, which has fallen into the pipe.

He had removed the manhole cover, reached down for his keys – and fell in head first.

Police pulled him out. His keys are still missing.