Weird But True


When a man in Galveston, Texas, arrived home to find three burglars loading his belongings into a white Cadillac, he jumped into the car, drove off and called police.

When he returned to his apartment a short time later, the burglars were gone and the police were waiting for him.

They dusted his apartment for fingerprints and searched for evidence – and ended up arresting him after they found an open box containing marijuana and crack.


Santa is no pie in the sky for Willis Welch – who has found a Christmas pecan pie on his Columbus, Ohio, doorstep for the past 25 years.

The identity of his secret Santa remains a mystery, but Welch, 82, has made plenty of friends because of the pies.

“I’ve probably had 25 calls this week wanting to know if the pie fairy has shown up,” he said.

This year, Welch found the pie on his doorstep on Christmas Eve.


A thief who stole $4,000 from a German post office on Christmas Eve apparently had second thoughts.

Hours later, he called police in Maroldswiesach, apologized for making “a stupid mistake” and said he’d leave the money in an envelope in a church.

He did as he said – but returned only $2,650.

“Why his conscience was not bad enough to move him to return the whole [amount] is not known,” a police spokesman said.


The South Korean government will reward office workers who promise to stay away from brothels following their typically boozy year-end parties.

An official said the program is aimed at changing Korean corporate culture, which permits heavy drinking and “makes sex acceptable as a way for male bonding.”

Prizes include movie tickets for all who pledge not to visit prostitutes, and $1,077 to the company with the most participants in the program.


Indian snake charmers, put out of work by animal-rights groups, no longer have hissy fits about it.

They now perform without snakes – playing their flutes at weddings and other events.