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Uri Dan, The Post’s Mideast correspondent in war and uneasy peace for the past quarter-century, died of lung cancer in Tel Aviv yesterday at 71.

The author of more than a dozen books on the Middle East, Dan – who would always greet Post colleagues with a warm, “Hello, my friend” – also wrote for the Israeli newspapers Maariv and The Jerusalem Post, and was a regular on Israel Radio’s daily “It’s All Talk” program.

Born Shlomo Uri in British-ruled Palestine in 1935 to a Polish mother and Greek father, he launched his 52-year career in journalism as Uri Dan, military correspondent, at age 19.

Two years later, during the 1956 Sinai campaign, he parachuted into the Mitla Pass, behind Egyptian lines, with a young commander, future Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, with whom he developed a close friendship.

Dan also had close ties – and close calls – with other top Israeli leaders.

He and Moshe Dayan once were attacked by Syrian bombers while they were in an armored personnel carrier. When Dan offered his helmet to Dayan, who was wearing only a cap, the legendary one-eyed general refused it, saying, “In this war, everyone for himself.”

In 1973, Dan was with Sharon for the decisive crossing of the Suez Canal in the Yom Kippur War. He also covered fighting in Vietnam, Cyprus, Kosovo and Angola.

He began his long relationship with the New York Post in June 1981 – after he called the paper to offer a world scoop on the Israeli air force’s bombing of Saddam Hussein’s nuclear reactor. That was followed just months later by a world exclusive on Dayan’s death, a story not reported by the Israeli press or other media because it occurred on a Jewish holiday.

Dan, a tireless worker with boundless energy and enthusiasm, rarely took vacations or sick days. Whenever The Post called from New York, regardless of the hour or the danger involved, he was ready to hit the ground running.

During the 1990 Gulf War, when the Iraqis were firing Scud missiles at Israel, he regularly phoned in stories, sometimes drowned out by warning sirens, while his neighbors were hunkered down in bomb shelters.

“He loved his job. He loved the paper so much,” his son, Oron, said yesterday.

The feeling was mutual.

“Uri Dan served the New York Post for many years with his unique and incisive perspective of Israeli and Middle East politics. We will miss a great friend and colleague,” said Post Editor-in-Chief Col Allan.

Dan’s most recent book, “Ariel Sharon: An Intimate Portrait,” was published in English and French last month and is scheduled to be released in Hebrew this week.

In addition to Oron, he is survived by his wife, Varda, and a brother, Gideon.

He will be buried tomorrow in Tel Aviv.