Weird But True


Two women are suing the University of Texas at Arlington for religious discrimination, claiming they were fired for praying.

Their prayer session took place after a male colleague complained that he was having problems with a female co-worker.

The two claim that after work, they prayed for the woman, who was on vacation, in her office cubicle and then anointed the cubicle’s doorframe with olive oil.

University officials said their actions constituted “harassment.”

The Santa at a shopping mall in Paisley, Scotland, has swapped his traditional red and white hat for a yellow hardhat with red reindeer antlers.

He made the switch for protection – after a gang of rowdies pelted him with mince pies from a mall balcony.

A mall official said the antlers were added to Santa’s hardhat to “Christmas it up a bit.”

You apparently have to check more than the label when you try on a pair of jeans imported from China.

That’s what a woman in Okinawa, Japan, learned after she was stung on the knee by a scorpion lurking inside a pair of pants – and had to be hospitalized for five days.

Officials believe the 2-inch scorpion hitched a ride from China in the jeans.

A British man has invented the world’s first eco-friendly, biodegradable athletic cup for cricket players.

But while he was testing it at the Nottinghamshire Cricket Club, he was hit in the face and split his eyebrow.

He now plans to work on another invention – an eco-friendly helmet.

Here’s a novel way to meet a prospective mate.

A public library in Melbourne, Australia, is holding speed-dating sessions for book lovers.

Participants are required to bring a book they either love or loathe as a conversation starter to make sure there are no uneasy silences during the series of five-minute dates.

Of course, if they hate the date, the book will help them pass the time.