US News


The jiggle belles at Scores have been scrooged.

Dozens of charities have rejected the strip club’s offers to raise thousands of dollars in cash and gifts for needy women and children.

More than 200 employees of the mammary mecca – including about 50 strippers – wanted to donate money and gifts to a worthy cause this holiday season, but every single group except the Marine Corps League’s Toys for Tots program bounced the idea.

“I’ve never been so embarrassed in my entire life,” said Elda Auerbach, a promotions employee at the East Side and West Side clubs.

“We just wanted to do something nice. Our girls work hard and make enough of a living to give back – all our employees and patrons do. I didn’t know it would be this hard to give to charity!” Scores has regularly donated to good causes such as the Police Widows and Orphans 911 Fund.

But when they wanted to do something special this holiday season they got the cold shoulder. Auerbach said the Coalition for the Homeless first indicated that they’d be happy to work with the club and gave them a list of shelters to contact.

But none of the more than 20 shelters returned her call.

A church-run women’s center in Jamaica, Queens, also gave then a thumbs-down, saying the organization stood “for the empowerment of women.” But the Marine Corps League didn’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

Scores will participate in the league’s Toys for Tots program at both Manhattan clubs through Dec. 21, with patrons paying no cover charge if they bring a donation.

So far the clubs have raised a few thousand dollars in toys and cash.

The club also approached the USO and offered to send a slew of strippers to Iraq and Afghanistan to entertain the military – but was shot down.

“That’s the sort of entertainment they’re really looking for,” said Scores spokesman Lonnie Hanover.

“It’s a real shame.”