Weird But True


An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth – but a cell for a cell?

A woman in Sterling Heights, Mich., was sentenced to 30 days in jail and two years probation for letting a party guest use a cellphone on her front porch at 4 a.m.

Carmen Granata, 23, was cited for violating the city noise ordinance.

Her guest, who reportedly stepped outside the house to avoid waking others sleeping inside, apparently wasn’t thinking of the neighbors.


Pete Costello’s mother has collected disability benefits for her son for the past 20 years – ever since he was 8, according to federal officials in Tacoma, Wash.

She claimed her son was mentally impaired – and couldn’t read or write, shower, care for himself or drive.

But prosecutors proved she was scamming – by videotaping Pete contesting a parking ticket in court.

They claim she pulled the same trick with a daughter – illegally raking in $220,000 on behalf of her two kids.


This idea is all wet.

An elementary school in Norfolk, England, is issuing all-weather jumpsuits to all its students – so they can have lessons outside even when it’s raining.

The school’s 49 pupils are much happier and find it easier to concentrate out in the fresh air – “no matter what the weather,” the head teacher noted.


Two Swedish border-control officers face disciplinary action – for crossing over the line.

Seems they were collecting photos of “exceptionally beautiful” women who passed through their checkpoint at a ferry terminal near Stockholm.

Officials said they made photocopies of the women’s passport pictures and put them in a binder, along with their birthdates.


A British ambulance crew assigned to transfer a patient from one London hospital to another – a distance of 12 miles – ended up taking eight hours.

Seems they were sent off course by a faulty on-board electronic route guide – and were on the outskirts of Manchester before realizing the goof.