US News


ALBANY – Jeanine Pirro paid a county-provided driver about $150,000 in overtime over two years when she was Westchester DA – expenses justified by claims he missed meals while chauffeuring her around, records obtained by The Post show.

James O’Donnell made about $148,000 in OT in 2004 and 2005 on top of his more than $100,000-a-year salary, making him one of the highest-paid county employees, according to Westchester Finance Commissioner Peter Pucillo.

On most of his county overtime claim forms, he checked “no meal” for the reason he accrued the OT.

Pirro’s Democratic attorney-general opponent, Andrew Cuomo, called it “the height of hypocrisy” that she would criticize Comptroller Alan Hevesi for using a state employee to drive his wife while Pirro has a chauffeur controversy of her own.

Pirro spokesman John Gallagher called it “ridiculous” to compare a sitting DA who prosecuted felons to the spouse of a fiscal officer with no personal security threats.