US News


Madonna may have leveraged her U.S. citizenship to fast-track her adoption of an African boy, experts said yesterday – following revelations she’s pursuing the adoption under American law.

While the singer lives in a Mayfair, England, mansion, she still has homes in New York, Miami and Los Angeles, giving her access to less-strict American adoption laws, advocates said.

“We are generally more amenable to adoption, internationally and domestically – we are the adoption nation,” said Adam Pertman, executive director of the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute.

“Madonna can afford the best lawyers, so my guess is that she’s well advised and did it the quickest way possible.” Malawi adoption advocates are baffled as to how her Madgesty managed to skirt Malawian law, which generally bars adoptions by nonresidents, to snap up David Banda Mwale Ciccone Ritchie, 1, within days of falling in love with him while visiting an orphanage earlier this month. With Post Wire Services