

Eric Mangini likes guys who are versatile and selfless, who can adapt to and overcome challenges. When he took over the Jets, the biggest change Mangini installed was a new-look defense, going from the 4-3 to the 3-4 base, thereby putting players out of place and asking them to learn new roles.

While players such as Dewayne Robertson and Jonathan Vilma have seemed to struggle operating in a new defensive scheme, Bryan Thomas and Victor Hobson have scored points recently for their seamless transition to the new defense and for quickly grasping their new jobs. Thomas, formerly a defensive end, has endured the most change, moving to an outside linebacker position, and recently won the praise of the demanding head coach.

“I was willing to do whatever was required within the defense,” Thomas said yesterday.

“I was going to be a team player, and in the defense that we’re in, it allows me to run around all over, in the back area, everywhere.

Just run around and make plays, and I’m excited.” Thomas was best known for being John Abraham’s backup the last few seasons, but when he was asked to move to the outside, to run with tight ends and running backs in pass coverage and provide run support from off the line of scrimmage, No. 99 jumped at the opportunity.

More than anything else, Thomas was eager to carve out a niche for himself after living in Abraham’s shadows.

He’s found that role the 3-4 defense.

“I just look at it as it gives me an opportunity just to run around, to make plays and help my teammates out, to get a W in the win column,” Thomas said. “So whatever it is, whatever is required to do what we’re doing, I’m just going to run around and continue to have fun.” Hobson, who is constantly growing into a reliable outside linebacking force, also has impressed Mangini, which is no easy task.

“I’ve been pleased with a lot of things that he’s done,” Mangini said, “and not just his improvement in the running game, but also his improvement in terms of dropping in pass coverage, understanding how the patterns are going to develop, understanding how he fits, and I think as he continues to progress, he’ll contribute even more.” Thomas is seven tackles shy of establishing a new season-high.