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Behold the babe butler!

Unfortunately named Actroid, an eerily human-looking robot will be the toast of the Wired NextFest high-tech convention opening at the Javits Center this week.

She can’t walk, but she can talk your ear off in an actual two-way conversation. The jazzy Japanese automaton speaks four languages and understands 40,000 phrases, such as “Where is my meeting?” And, “Can you tell me a joke?”

Her makers also claim she has a playful sense of humor – and she’s giggly.

And, like an obedient gal, if Actroid doesn’t understand you, she’ll politely change the subject.

Most impressive is her real hair, eyelashes and lifelike skin.

“Most of our humanoids are old people. It is more difficult to create young women’s skin,” said Megumi Katabira of Actroid’s creators, Kokoro Co., in Tokyo. “When the skin is too smooth, she does not look like a real human.”

NextFest’s director, Victor Friedberg, said Actroid will be the centerpiece of “robot row,” featuring ballroom-dancing robots, an Einstein-like humanoid, and a DJ robot that can cut and mix his own music tracks.

“They are all jaw dropping; some of these border on magic,” he said.

Also on display is the interior of the first commercial space plane, expected to be unveiled by Brit entrepreneur Richard Branson in typical press-friendly style onthe eve of the convention. Other exhibits include a flying car, unmanned aerial vehicles, an invisibility coat, and the latest in interactive home furnishings and entertainment.

“Some of it is very deep science, and some is just very playful,” said Friedberg, adding he’s pleased the third annual convention is hitting New York this year.

“I think of it as if it were showing people who have seen it all something that they’ve never seen before.”

Wired NextFest opens with Thursday’s “Education Day” – a free day for students only. The convention will be open to the general public on Friday and closes Sunday.

* Blinks, smiles and has real-looking skin with crow’s feet and smile lines – and eyeliner.

* Bows and covers mouth when laughing in demure Japanese style.

* Realistically tilts head and makes hand gestures when speaking

* Can step slightly from side to side, shake hands and wave back and forth.

* Can do a Japanese dance – as well as “The Robot” for easy laughs

* Duties include greeting people in office buildings in Tokyo, flying around the world to play host at technology


* Can answer questions like “What time is it?” “Where is the nearest restroom?” “Are you a real person?”

* Costs $300,000 or can be leased for a negotiable price.