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BALCO founder Victor Conte boasted that Barry Bonds knew he received designer steroids from the company and had taken an interest in what the juice contained, it was reported yesterday.

Conte has made the new revelation just as Illinois chemist Patrick Arnold made the same admission, he is scheduled to report to federal prison next week for his role in the steroid conspiracy, ESPN The Magazine reports.

Prior to this, Conte had never said publicly that he was involved with Bonds and has always maintained that he kept his distance in private. But the BALCO big man admitted that Bonds would come to the company to “get jacked.”

The article, which was posted on the ESPN’s Website last night, seems to imply that Bonds’ testimony in front of a grand jury in 2004 was not accurate.

Bonds contended during his testimony that he believed his personal trainer Greg Anderson wouldn’t “jeopardize our friendship” by giving him the illegal steroids, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

Anderson has been in jail since Aug. 28th for refusing to testify and has gone through two federal grand juries and still havingnot answered direct questions relating to the scandal.

Bonds has been slugging away this season hitting his 731st homerun this September – making it difficult for the Giants totake him off the roster.

Anderson, who has appeared five times before two federal grand juries without answering pertinent questions, filed court papers this week through his attorney Mark Geragos.

The papers allege many of the same points Anderson has argued unsuccessfully to a trial court since July when a judge first ordered him jailed.