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There are men, women and young people all over our town who lead lives of quiet humility – all the while improving the lives of those around them. And if you know who they are, we’d like to give them their due.

We are seeking candidates for the fifth annual New York Post Liberty Medals, and we’d like you to introduce us to the everyday New Yorkers who have enriched our lives with their big hearts, bravery and resourcefulness since July 2005.

This year’s winners will be selected by a distinguished panel of New Yorkers, and the newly minted heroes will be honored at a reception on Sept. 17 at Yankee Stadium in the Great Moments Room.

Each winner will take home a symbol of our profound gratitude – a medal engraved with Lady Liberty’s torch, created for The Post by renowned New York graphic artist Milton Glaser, who devised the iconic “I ? NY” logo.

We are again asking our readers to nominate our local heroes for the contributions they made to the city during the past year in 10 different categories.

These include Community, Lifetime Achievement and “Young Heart” – for the youth under 17 whose behavior “most impressively displayed adult resolve” – and one each for the city’s educators, the city’s Bravest and the city’s Finest.

Tell us in 100 words or less why the person you nominate deserves a special spotlight, and send in as many nominations as you like.

Name living nominees whose day-today deeds and decency – not just heroic actions – have made our city so special.

The heroes we have honored so far include ordinary New Yorkers from all walks of life, including those who daily risk their lives on the front lines to keep us safe, and those who pitch in behind the scenes.

In the next few weeks, we’ll introduce you to some of the nominees who made the lives of New Yorkers easier and more fruitful and give you a brief look at why they merit our praise.