US News


Keep those galoshes handy.

Showers and thunderstorms will continue to hit the city on and off for the next five days, forecasters say.

Today is expected to be humid with some heavy rain and temperatures between 66 and 76. Expect similar stuff the rest of the week.

While people attending today’s Gay Pride Parade may find the weather disappointing, many New Yorkers out in yesterday’s relentless downpours said it won’t change their plans.

“Life goes on. It’s just a little rain,” said Richard Suchs in the West Village. “It’s not going to keep me indoors. It’s not going to get me depressed.”

Lynn Schulman said, “I’m walking in the Gay Pride Parade [today] rain or shine.”

“It will only seem a little more difficult – this is New York.”

Long Island resident Tom Ervolina, 72, was strolling in the downpour with wife Roseanne, 69.

“Maybe we get it over with now and starting in July, have a fairly nice summer,” he said.

“It keeps away all the riffraff,” Roseanne said.

TODAY 78 degrees – thunderstorms

TOMORROW 80 degrees – Thunderstorms

TUESDAY 80 degrees – Cloudy