US News


The first-ever Iraqi accepted as a cadet at West Point discovered America is a friendly place – and found New York to be “like a piece of paradise.”

Jameel – his first name is being withheld – spent his first full day in America yesterday as he prepared to start a six-week basic-training course along with 1,320 incoming cadets next week.

He’s one of 15 foreign students admitted this year to what Jameel calls “the best military academy in the world.”

He learned English at a Baghdad school founded by Jesuits and by watching movies. His favorite was “Patton.”

After graduation, he’ll serve in the Iraqi military.

West Point is keeping him under a low profile, with no photos allowed. But Jameel, 19, is hardly worried about his safety.

“You are at risk every time you walk down the street,” he said of his homeland. It is better to die holding a rifle than as a civilian.”

Jameel arrived in New York Wednesday after an exhausting, 20-hour flight.

The only possessions he brought are a picture of his family and a copy of the Koran.

He quickly got acclimated to West Point, even to the fanaticism of Army football.

“I can sense here the ‘Beat Navy’ thing is a big deal,” he said.

He said he found America “very friendly,” and has already learned how to give a U.S.-style handshake, maintaining eye contact and with a firm grip.

Aside from getting a military education, his goal in America is to meet President Bush “and tell him that my mother thinks he is a prophet, because he took the devil out.”

It took a year to get this far, including physical exercises and training with U.S. forces in Iraq.

Jameel realizes that when he graduates in 2010, he may face fighting in his homeland.

Asked how he feels about fighting Iraqis, he said, “You can’t call Saddamians and Ba’athists Iraqis. They’ve been killing Iraqis for 30 years.”

He said he wants to become an officer, help rebuild the Iraqi army and eventually go into politics.

And run for president?

“Of course.”