US News


The Long Island bouncer brutally mowed down by an alleged drunken frat boy is still on a respirator and couldn’t speak when told his attacker was behind bars yesterday.

But he still made his feelings known. “I told him [the suspect] was under arrest, and he was going to stay that way. He gave us a thumbs-up,” Maureen Basdavanos said of her 23-year-old son, Sean, who suffered broken bones and severe cuts to his face in Sunday’s bloody rampage.

Sean Basdavanos was critically injured along with another pal in the Lizzie Grubman-like incident involving rich-kid Egyptian national Sayed Khaled El-Waraky, 19, of Virginia. El-Waraky was on Long Island to celebrate the birthday of a fellow megarich Phi Sigma Kappa member who lives in ritzy Matinecock, sources said. Their group was partying at the Soundview Bar at Glen Cove’s town golf course when the suspect began acting extremely obnoxious and pushy, authorities said.

Sean Basdavanos, an aspiring cop who was working the door that night just to help out, wound up tossing him out.

As the bouncer and a crowd gathered in the parking lot to watch El-Waraky go, the irate teen suddenly gunned his souped-up 2005 Jaguar S – a high-school graduation present – toward them, cops said. The boozy perp yelled, “I’ll kill you all!” moments before plowing into the crowd, police said.

El-Waraky is being held without bail.