US News


A Parks Department manager who forged a letter saying she served on a jury could now end up facing one, city investigators said yesterday.

Donna Remmen, 53, of Brooklyn, allegedly submitted a bogus letter from the Kings County Clerk “proving” she did jury duty for 13 days from Nov. 29 to Dec. 27, 2005.

But suspicious Parks officials turned the letter over to the city Department of Investigation, which determined the paper and the font weren’t right. The name of the county clerk was also omitted.

DOI officials said Remmen served only two days, Nov. 30 and Dec. 8.

“Fulfilling one’s civic duty is a responsibility that deserves recognition,” said DOI Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn. “Lying about jury service in an attempt to be paid by the city for playing hooky from work is stealing and will lead to arrest and criminal prosecution.”