US News


A man was slashed by a robber wielding a samurai knife at a Bronx subway station during rush hour last night, and cops suspect the attacker was a would-be gangbanger trying to earn his colors.

Four men followed the 45-year-old victim, whose name was withheld, as he got off the northbound D train at 167th Street at about 6 p.m.

One of them demanded money inside the crowded station. But as the victim reached for his wallet, the robber slashed him three times across the chest with the knife as other straphangers fled in terror, cops said.

He was in stable condition at Lincoln Hospital.

The four men ran out of the subway station with an undetermined amount of cash.

The attackers were all wearing red gang colors, according to sources.

“The victim is not in a gang, but there is a possibility that this was an initiation robbery,” a police source said.