US News


JERUSALEM – Israeli jets attacked Syrian-backed Palestinian and Lebanese guerrillas in Lebanon yesterday after an Israeli soldier was wounded by rockets fired deep into northern Israel.

Gun battles broke out between Israeli soldiers and Hezbollah guerrillas along the Lebanese-Israeli border in what Israel said was its strongest attack since it ended a 22-year occupation of south Lebanon six years ago.

One Palestinian militant and a Hezbollah fighter were killed and two Lebanese civilians and another Israeli soldier were wounded in the fighting.

Gen. Udi Adam, head of northern command for forces along Israel’s northern border, said his forces attacked over 20 Hezbollah posts after the soldier was injured by the attacks.

“Let there be no doubt that we will deal a very painful blow to whoever tries to disrupt life along our northern border,” added Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

“They will receive an unequivocal and very aggressive response without hesitation if they don’t stop.”

The Israeli army ordered residents living in northern areas to go to bomb shelters after a clash between Hezbollah and Israeli soldiers near a kibbutz resulted in mortar and rocket fire landing there.

Hezbollah guerrillas, who are backed by Syria and Iran, also attacked Israeli posts in a disputed northern border area, Lebanese witnesses said.

U.N. peacekeepers brokered a cease-fire that ended the hostilities and Israel called residents out of shelters.

In other developments:

* Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas began talks with the militant group Hamas and other factions to try to persuade them to accept a plan implicitly calling for recognition of Israel. A Hamas official said some progress had been made.

* Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who has been in a coma for nearly five months, was transferred to a long-term care facility, a sign his medical team does not believe he will awaken.

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