

The Mets are walking with a swagger this season, and David Wright credits an influx of veterans.

Wright, one of the team’s young cornerstones, is blossoming right before the eyes of Mets fans. His game-winning hit off Mariano Rivera in the opener of the Subway Series on Friday night was only the latest example of his clutch ability. He took a .314 average, five homers and 27 RBIs into last night’s Subway Series finale with the Yankees.

But Wright sees his older teammates as the catalyst for a sea change in the clubhouse and on the field, where the Mets now carry themselves with confidence. Wright cited Billy Wagner, Carlos Delgado and Julio Franco as fresh old faces who have changed the culture

“We went out and got better on the field,” Wright said. “We brought in quality people, we brought in guys who are great teammates and guys that are leaders in the clubhouse.

“They’ve vocal. They don’t care who you are. They give you a kick if you need to get going. They’ll give you constructive criticism. They’ll get in your face.

“They’ll never get mad at you or get on you for making an error. If you make a mental error or you’re not hustling or you’re not giving 100 percent, they’ll be the first ones to get on you. And I think that pushes you . . . that helps the whole team out.”

The Mets were coming off Saturday’s brutal loss, in which they led 4-0 heading into the ninth before Wagner melted down. For younger guys, those devastating losses can turn into losing streaks and a loss of confidence. Wright thinks that’s less likely to happen at Shea because of the vets.

“Younger players seem to take losses harder than the veterans do, just because the veterans have been there before,” he said. “The veterans have seen crazier things happen.

“Over the course of 162 games, there’s going to be some things you would never expect happen. To look up to those older guys, it relaxes the younger players. They’ve seen it happen before, they’re not panicking, and as a result, you try not to be too hard on yourself.”