US News


Go, speed racer, go!

A developer looking to build a massive NASCAR raceway on Staten Island fired back at the borough’s City Council delegation yesterday for trying to muscle the contentious plan out of the public review process.

Lesa Kennedy, president of Daytona, Fla.-based International Speedway Corp., ripped Staten Island Republican Councilmen James Oddo and Andrew Lanza for “political grandstanding” and said she has no intention of withdrawing the plan.

A copy of the letter was sent to Councilman Michael McMahon (D-S.I.), who also opposes the track plan.

“The process remains alive, and there is a long way to go before anything is decided,” Kennedy wrote. “Any attempt to sever the democratic process would be unfair and send a chilling signal to any company doing business in Staten Island.”

Kennedy was responding to a scathing letter Oddo and Lanza sent ISC’s board members May 8, saying they would use all of their “powers and abilities” as council members to block the project.

The politicians even warned it would be in company stockholders’ best interests to kill the plan now.