

THE opera “Brundibar” was performed under the worst of circumstances – by children imprisoned at Terezin, the Nazi concentration camp.

For the next two weeks, you can see a new production of “Brundibar” under the best of circumstances: at the New Victory Theater with set designs by Maurice Sendak and libretto by Tony (“Angels in America”) Kushner.

The inspirational Old World, shtetl-set story tells of a sister and brother who must earn enough money to buy milk for their ailing mother. In town, they’re blocked from their mission by a vile, meanspirited organ grinder (Brundibar).

With the help from talking animals and other children, the pair outsmart the evil man.

Euan Morton, who played pop star Boy George in Broadway’s “Taboo,” tackles the title role, acting alongside 23 kids, ages 11-14.

The Scottish actor says “Brundibar” is an inspiring story.

“One voice can’t necessarily be heard in a crowd,” he tells The Post, “but if you go out there and you’re hundreds and you’re thousands and you’re millions – then you can make a difference.” The story of the doomed children who performed the opera in the Nazi camp, says Morton, “was why I took the job. I didn’t even read the script.

After looking at a synopsis, he says, “I read up on the history, called my agent and said, ‘I want to do this.’ ” To get into the sinister mindset of Brundibar, the easygoing Morton says he simply takes some time by himself before curtain time and thinks about the story behind it.

“I do sometimes lose it with the kids backstage,” he jokes.

“If I ever need anything to drive me crazy enough to hate children, I’ll just hang out in their dressing room for about five minutes.” The laughter stops.

“Reading the story of why ‘Brundibar’ exists and what happened to those kids,” he says. “[The Nazis] took them all away and gassed them in the end – there were very few survivors.

“The show is just something I felt I wanted to be a part of.” “Brundibar” runs one hour and 35 minutes, is recommended for children age 8 and older. You can catch it today at 2 and 7 p.m., and at other times through May 21. For tickets ($10 to $30), visit the New Victory Theater, 209 W. 42nd St., just west of Broadway, or call (212) 223-3020.