US News


WASHINGTON – Congress was abuzz yesterday over a shocking investigation of lawmakers that involves a top spy, limos, and hookers.

Federal prosecutors are investigating whether contractors provided rogue former Rep. Randall “Duke” Cunningham with prostitutes as part of a bribery scandal that landed the lawmaker in the slammer.

At issue is whether two government contractors gave Cunningham free limousine service and lined up hookers for sex trysts in Washington’s Watergate Hotel.

“The guy’s certainly a scumbag – this is just more proof of that,” said one House Republican aide.

The brewing scandal took a new turn yesterday, as the CIA’s inspector general said the office opened an investigation into the CIA’s No. 3 official, Kyle “Dusty” Foggo.

As the spy agency’s executive director, Foggo oversees millions in government contracts.

Investigators are looking into whether any other members of Congress or their staffs took limo rides and hotel visits with hookers.

Cunningham, a California Republican, was sentenced to eight years in prison in March after admitting to taking $2.4 million in bribes.