

FLUKE fishing is as much a part of the summer as baseball, and like the Yankees and Mets, there have been lean years and good years. Just like our baseball teams, these have been good years for fluking in New York’s waters despite the fact that we get less and less to take home.

This year New York anglers will be able to take four fluke, with an 18-inch minimum length. The season will run from this Saturday through Sept. 12. Last year we were able to take five fish at 17½ inches from April 29 to Oct. 31.

The reason for the cutback is that the feds say we took too many fish last year. However, the figures they used were not accurate.

You’ll find the best fluking in South Shore waters, along the south side of Staten Island, across Lower New York Bay and along the Rockaways. Inside Jones Inlet to Reynolds Channel – as well as in Great South Bay, Moriches and Shinnecock Bays – there is consistent fishing throughout the summer.

Some of the best early season fluking is along the Southside of Montauk Point. Also the North Fork has seen great fluking the last few years with places Horton, Rocky and Mulford points producing big fish to 12 pounds.

If you can’t afford a charter or party boat, you can catch fluke from jetties, piers and even in the surf, but the best place to catch them is off points of land and in channels and cuts in open bays.

There also was a change in this year’s porgy season. In New York waters the open season is now June 1 to Oct. 31. Last year the season opened July 1. All other regulations for porgy remain unchanged.

Monkfish regulations now have a minimum length of 17 inches, tail length – 11 inches – increased from last seasons 21 inches and 14 inches.