Weird But True


A female preacher is spreading the word of God to California strippers by going to topless clubs and talking to them as they give her lap dances.

Heather Veitch, a 31-year-old mom of two and a former stripper herself, says she doesn’t ask the girls to quit their jobs, but simply to come to church.

But, adds the preacher from Sandals Church in Riverside, “Sin is sin.”


A disabled Austrian woman pulled onto a busy highway to make a 20-mile journey – on her 10-mph motorized wheelchair.

The 43-year-old woman, who headed with a blanket over her legs and Thermos flask, was stopped by cops after motorists whizzing past her called them.

As police pulled her over, she casually asked, “Is there a problem?”


An Argentinian woman stabbed her husband because he didn’t have sex with her.

The woman, 52, from Buenos Aires, says she knifed her hubby in the back after trying in vain to get him into bed.

“I wore a G-string and high heels in the house but he did not notice, I could not stand this,” she said.

The hubby will survive, but he’d best watch his back.


If at first you don’t succeed . . .

A 72-year-old Indian man is taking his high-school exams for the 37th time, in the hope of finally being able to get married.

Farmer Shiv Charan vowed he wouldn’t wed without a diploma – but has failed the exam every time he’s taken it since 1969, at the age of 35.

Charan, who’s often mistaken for a test monitor, said math is his downfall, but added, “Such things have never dampened my spirit, as I hope one day I will clear my exams and get married.”


She looks like a sweet old lady – but don’t let that fool you.

Cops in Australia say a cross-dressing crook, dubbed the Mrs. Doubtfire Bandit, roller-skated into a bank in Bayswater, Victoria, wearing a white floral dress, leggings and black wig, pulled a gun and made off with wads of cash.

Witnesses say there’s no doubt that she is really a he because he has a gruff voice and the facial features of a man.