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Rutherford B. Hayes was born in Delaware, Ohio, in 1822. He attended Kenyon College and Harvard Law School. He moved to Cincinnati and found success as a young lawyer.

Hayes fought in the Civil War and rose to the rank of brevet major general. He was still in the Army’s service when the Republican Party ran him for the House of Representatives. He accepted the nomination but refused to abandon his military post at a time of crisis.

Hayes was overwhelmingly elected to Congress and served three terms as governor of Ohio. His record of safe liberalism and party loyalty, along with his honorable war record, made him the Republican Party’s ideal choice for president. His opponent was Gov. Samuel Tilden of New York.

After President Ulysses S. Grant’s corrupt Cabinet, both parties were careful to present candidates that exemplified honesty and integrity.

Tilden was touted for going head-to-head with New York’s notorious Tammany Hall and its infamous Boss Tweed.

Hayes had backing from famous people, including Mark Twain, but despite their efforts, he fully expected Tilden to win.

When the early election returns came in with Tilden in the lead, Hayes went to bed, convinced of Tilden’s victory. Everything would not be as it seemed.

As it turned out, though Tilden had won the popular vote – 4,284,020 to Hayes’ 4,036,571, Hayes could still take the election by winning the Electoral College vote. Tilden was in the lead with those too, with 184 to Hayes’ 165. There were still, however, 20 votes up for grabs, in Florida, Louisiana and South Carolina. If Hayes could win those states, he would win the election by a single Electoral College vote. The dispute was finally settled on March 2, 1877, two days before the schedule presidential inauguration.

Florida would be the deciding factor, awarding the election to Hayes despite Tilden’s majority vote. This kind of electoral dissention would not be seen again until the 2000 Bush/Gore dispute.

It was Hayes’ reputable character that made him ideal for the job of president. He was determined to bring dignity and honesty to the White House. His wife, Lucy, even banned wines and liquor from being served.

President Hayes appointed his Cabinet members based on merit. He wanted only men of high caliber.

Hayes promised to protect the rights of African-Americans. He also hoped to restore peaceful government to the South by withdrawing troops. This ended the Reconstruction effort and the end of protection for blacks in the South.

Despite Hayes’ best efforts, he did not overwhelmingly win over the South. His conservative financial policies, however, helped the country regain its economic health.

For the most part, the Hayes presidency was uneventful – the most exciting occurrence was the election itself.

As he promised, Hayes served only one term. He retired to his home in Fremont, Ohio.

Rutherford B. Hayes died in 1893.

Today’s lesson fulfills the following New York standards: ELA 1c, 2b, 3c, 3d, 5a, Social Studies Standard 1, Art Standard 2

Use the Internet to learn more about the life and presidency of Rutherford B. Hayes.

The Hayes-Tilden decision was one of the biggest controversies in history. Use the Internet to learn more about it. Write an essay on how you think the controversy should have been settled.

Have a class discussion on how you would have handled the presidency had you been commander-in-chief during the time of Rutherford B. Hayes.