

DALLAS As the agent for Bernie Williams and Johnny Damon, Scott Boras finds himself in a familiar position: at the center of the Yankees’ universe.

Boras talked to GM Brian Cashman yesterday on behalf of Williams, yesterday’s center fielder and Damon, perhaps the future in center.

As of early last night the talks hadn’t produced a definitive answer to the question of would the Yankees offer Williams arbitration by midnight last night.

The smart money was on the Yankees offering the popular Williams arbitration with the agreement that he wouldn’t accept it. That allows the Yankees and Williams to talk until Jan. 8 about Williams returning as a bench player.

If Williams accepted arbitration that would mean he is a signed player and would receive an increase on the $12.4 million he earned last year when he batted .249 with 12 homers and 64 RBIs.

If they didn’t offer arbitration, the 37-year-old Williams’ wonderful 15-year career in pinstripes would be finished.

“If he goes to New York, he knows what his role will be,” Boras said yesterday at the winter meetings. “That is something we have discussed with the Yankees and we have agreed with the fact that we are willing to deal with the uncertainty. I don’t think any player agrees that he is going to take on a part-time role but the fact is that he is going there with the understanding there is a job to win and if he doesn’t win the job he will have playing time.”

Williams, who was at the Wyndham Anatole Hotel for a couple of days working out with a personal trainer, left yesterday.

With Juan Pierre going to the Cubs for three prospects, the Yankees wary of Milton Bradley’s temper, the Phillies undecided what they want for Jason Michaels and the Blue Jays not letting go of Vernon Wells, the Yankees have increased their dialogue with Boras about Damon.

“We have been talking to them a good bit, yeah,” Boras said of the Yankees, whose contingent led by GM Brian Cashman never surfaced in the hotel lobby yesterday. “We have had good discussions with the Yankees.”

While Boras spoke of Williams competing for a starting spot, it could be DH but it won’t be center field. Especially if the Yankees sign Johnny Damon, formerly of the Red Sox and a premier leadoff hitter.

However, before you pencil in Damon’s name on top of the lineup, understand this: Boras is still seeking a seven-year contract for Damon. And the Yankees have been adamant they aren’t going seven years for a 32-year-old player.

“Johnny has always been a seven-year guy. We always know we play a player who hits .300 a great deal more than we pay a player who hits .260,” said Boras, who continues to talk to the Red Sox, who might not be against a four-year deal for $40 million.

“When it comes to durability, we don’t identify that as a measurement value. When you are the most durable player in the Major Leagues, when you have gone out and played 130 games 10 years in a row and the average major leaguer is doing that 40 percent of the time and 50 percent of the time, that’s the difference between hitting .300 and .200.”

Damon has 130 home runs, 700 RBIs and 281 stolen bases in his 10-year career. He started out with the Royals and had a short stint with the Athletics before settling in at Fenway Park.