US News


WASHINGTON – Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton today begins a fund-raising spree through six states to stuff her re-election war chest and woo fat cats for a potential presidential run.

The former first lady will land in the crucial swing state of Michigan for a joint fund-raiser with fellow Democratic Sen. Debbie Stabenow, who is also up for re-election next year.

She’ll follow it up tomorrow with a foray into the Republican “red” state Kentucky in hopes of raising $250,000 for the state Democratic.

Then she’ll headline a Saturday-night soiree at a trendy club in Chicago after hosting a midday Democratic Leadership Council forum, a centrist group that helped hubby Bill win the White House.

She jets to New Jersey for a Dec. 12 fund-raiser, and will follow it up a day later with a blowout bash with her spouse at Manhattan’s Club Crobar.

Sen. Clinton, who boasts a $14 million campaign account, closes out her fund-raising blitz in Denver.