US News


DMX missed his own sentencing yesterday – prompting the judge to issue an arrest warrant – but arrived at Queens court hours later, claiming he had a stress-related asthma attack.

“He is asthmatic,” said his lawyer, Murray Richman. “That was a cause of the delay in court.”

Richman explaned that Simmons suffered an asthma attack at about 2 p.m. while his wife was driving him from their Mount Kisco home to the Queens courthouse.

The couple return home to get his inhaler and waited until he could breathe again.

DMX, whose real name is Earl Simmons, was to receive a 60-day sentence for violating the terms of an earlier no-jail plea deal. That deal, brokered last year, settled charges that Simmons broke through a parking gate at JFK Airport while high on Valium.

But Simmons, 34, was twice caught driving a vehicle – a no-no – prompting a judge to toss the deal and impose jail.

The rapper arrived at court at 4:45 p.m., long after Judge Dorothy Chin-Brandt had run out of patience and issued a bench warrant. He was sent to jail and will be back in court tomorrow.