US News


One of Mayor Bloomberg’s top campaign staffers is distancing himself from a report prepared for him four years ago – when he was on the other side of the political fence – that trashes the Independence Party and the mayor’s “motley crew” of advisers.

“For over 20 years, [Lenora] Fulani and her allies have functioned as parasites, infiltrating and taking over independent organizations and political parties, using them to accumulate resources and power, until finally abandoning them,” said the report prepared in 2001 for Stu Loeser, now Bloomberg’s campaign spokesman.

At the time, Loeser was research director for Bloomberg’s Democratic rival, Mark Green.

Yesterday, Loeser conceded the report was done on his watch but said he didn’t write it.

These days, Bloomberg denounces Fulani but defends his decision to run on the Independence Party line, claiming she doesn’t represent the entire party.