Weird But True


An Air Force veteran who lost his wallet 43 years ago in a Pittsburgh bus station got the billfold back this week – minus the $300.

Robert Gibson, 70, had returned from service in Germany in 1962 when he took a hot shower in the depot before boarding a bus home to West Virginia.

A worker at the bus station found the wallet this week and tracked down Gibson through his military ID card.

Even weirder than the story of the recovered wallet was the thought that people used to take showers in bus depots.

Call this lewd-icrous.

A man in West Bend, Wis., has been accused of placing envelopes containing photos of his private parts on at least seven cars belonging to women after they parked at shopping centers.

Police said the 40-year- old man told them he would wait to see how the women reacted when they looked at the photos.

Some laughed, he told cops. And one put the photo on another car.

An Australian cop slapped a parking ticket on the car of an elderly man, who was inside – dead.

The 71-year-old man had been missing for nine days when his car, and body, were discovered in the parking lot of a shopping center near Melbourne.

The ticket was issued the day before he was found.

“It’s simply a case of the parking officer not noticing,” a police official said.

Speaking of parking . . .

Architects in Berlin are designing an apartment building with parking available on tenants’ balconies.

They say the so-called “car lofts” will help ease the city’s parking problems and reduce car crime.

Elevators at either end of the building will allow residents to drive right up to their front door.

What scrambled egghead came up with this scheme?

Three German students are trying to hatch an egg quicker than a hen can for a TV show.

For an estimated three weeks, they’ll keep an egg at the proper temperature and humidity levels and rotate it three times a day.

The students are competing against a hen that has successfully hatched more than 270 eggs.

Good cluck to them.