US News


The Revs. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton yesterday rallied around Democratic mayoral candidate Fernando Ferrer, slamming Mayor Bloomberg for being on the wrong team – the Republican one.

Sharpton and Jackson said that’s reason enough to vote for Ferrer.

The candidate, who has been slumping in the polls, will get a much-needed jolt tomorrow when Bill Clinton campaigns with him in the Bronx.

Yesterday, Jackson called Bloomberg a “wolf politician in sheep clothing,” while admitting Bloomberg’s “fusion campaign” has “confused” some voters, including traditionally Democratic black voters.

Jackson asked students at York College in Jamaica, Queens: “Whose side are you on?”

A man who claimed he was a victim of a bias attack disrupted the press briefing afterward, urging Ferrer to apologize for saying the 1999 fatal shooting of Amadou Diallo wasn’t a crime.

Sharpton defended Ferrer, saying the former Bronx borough president got arrested in the protests over the shooting.

Meanwhile, Ferrer unveiled four new ads yesterday – including one that attacks the city’s abysmal high-school dropout rate, although it doesn’t mention Bloomberg by name.

The 15-second TV education ad shows a new pencil in a sharpener.

When it comes out, half the pencil is gone – indicating that half the kids drop out.