US News


The husband of a top aide to Mayor Bloomberg has angered 9/11 family members by referring to opponents of a cultural complex at Ground Zero as “loonier family groups,” in an e-mail that was sent to dozens of people.

Mark Lebow, the lawyer husband of Deputy Mayor Patricia Harris, was writing to Dennis Smith, author of the book “Report from Ground Zero.” Lebow’s e-mail defended the selection process that awarded the International Freedom Center and The Drawing Center a place at the World Trade Center site.

“Nevertheless, I am looking forward to your new book and will certainly enjoy it more than edicts from the loonier family groups, who surely should be heard but should not have ‘the final say,’ ” Lebow’s e-mail read.

Debra Burlingame, a 9/11 widow and an outspoken opponent of the cultural centers slated for Ground Zero, was among the dozens of people to whom Lebow sent copies of his note.

“It’s the height of arrogance and disrespect,” Burlingame said, adding that the list of groups that oppose putting the IFC and Drawing Center beside the WTC memorial represents “virtually every 9/11 family group there is.”

Lebow was out of town and could not be reached yesterday.

“Obviously, this language is totally inappropriate and in no way reflects the mayor’s views on this issue,” said Bloomberg spokesman Ed Skyler. “I’m sure that if he had given it a second thought, he wouldn’t have used it.”