US News


Mayor Bloomberg is sharing some of his personal photos with The Post, offering for the first time a behind-the-scenes look at his years in office.

Nearly every move Bloomberg makes is captured on film, thanks to three full-time photographers.

“Their job is challenging,” Bloomberg told The Post.

But to Ed Reed, who has photographed every mayor since Ed Koch, it’s pretty simple: “I try to stay out of his way,” Reed, 43, said of his 19 years behind the lens at City Hall.

He said he tries to be “invisible,” although his job is to follow the mayor everywhere he goes and take hundreds of pictures a day.

“You have to be ready at a moment’s notice,” Reed said. “You’re al ways on call.”

Reed doesn’t do this alone. Two other full- time staff photogra phers, Kristen Artz and Kimberlee Hewitt, trail the mayor’s every move.

Reed’s goal?

“To get him at his best,” Reed said. “To get a nice smile.”

Reed has snapped photos of the mayor touring underground tunnels, climbing up stairs during a blackout and powwowing with the police commissioner.

The mayor’s photographers click away right beside newspaper photographers and TV cameras.

“I get my shot, but I try to stay out of their way,” he said.

“The mayor doesn’t change what he’s doing because I’m there,” he insisted.