US News


Hundreds of sixth-graders will be getting free wireless laptop computers at the start of the school year – and they’ll be able to take them home, The Post has learned.

The city Department of Education will give out laptops to sixth-graders at 22 schools across the five boroughs, a source familiar with the program said yesterday.

A department spokeswoman confirmed the laptop plan – the first of its kind in the city.

“We’re still finalizing the details,” said Margie Feinberg.

Education officials chose sixth-graders to use the computers at school and at home because “they’re young enough to be familiar with computers but old enough to be responsible with them,” Feinberg said.

“This does not take away from the basic principles of having quality teachers and engaged parents,” said Deputy Mayor Dennis Walcott, the top education adviser to Mayor Bloomberg.

“This will make sure that our students are able to compete in the 21st century,” he added.

The department also plans to convert all of its computer labs to wireless over the next five years, officials said.

More than 800 of the city’s 1,100 schools are already set up with wireless connections.

It’s unclear how much the laptop computers will cost, but they will be paid for from capital funds.

Schools across the country have been issuing laptops to students because going high-tech often translates into better grades and higher attendance rates.

Maine, Michigan and New Mexico already have state-sponsored laptop programs in place. Massachusetts and the District of Columbia have pilot programs.

This fall, one Arizona public high school will ditch textbooks altogether in favor of a completely wireless laptop education.

“We visited other schools using laptops, and at the schools with laptops, students were just more engaged than at non-laptop schools,” said Calvin Baker, superintendent of the Vail Unified School District outside Tucson.

Students also say they would rather do their homework on a laptop than have to sit in a computer lab at school.

Merchandisers are even designing backpacks with special compartments for laptops.

But not every educator thinks being wired will help students.

The Iowa State Education Association recently opposed a plan to give laptop computers to every seventh-grader.

“Technology is great, but we think there are some higher priorities than that,” said Brad Hudson, a lobbyist for the union that represents most public-school teachers.


Plugged in

* Laptops being given to sixth-graders in 22 schools at no charge

* Will have wireless connection

* Students can take them home.

* First-of-its-kind program will start with in September.

* More than 800 of the city’s 1,100 schools have wireless Internet connections.