US News


Three of the four London suicide bombers recently visited Pakistan together and met with known al Qaeda members to receive terror training, officials revealed.

Mohammad Sidique Khan, 30, and Shehzad Tanweer, 22, traveled to Pakistan late last year, senior Pakistani security officials told The Times of London for today’s editions. The other killer, Hasib Hussain, 18, joined them early this year.

There, they spent most of their time not in religious schools – as their families had thought – but in the company of outlawed militant groups.

Over the weekend, the Pakistani authorities arrested more than a dozen suspects for having possible links to the evil trio, who were British-born and of Pakistani ancestry. The four bombers killed 51 innocent people in the July 7 attacks.

Pakistani police say they are also searching for 12 more Britons whose whereabouts are unknown.

The fourth bomber, Jamaican-born Jermaine Lindsay, 19, visited Afghanistan four years ago and returned to Britain as a fanatical Muslim, his pals said.

In England yesterday, police officers arrested six men under anti-terrorism laws in Leeds, the northern town where three of the bombers lived. But the cops said the men were not directly linked to the attacks.

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