Can a pro quarterback hurl a football across the Hudson?

Reebok thinks yes, and has two of the game’s greats – the Giants’ Eli Manning and the Jets’ Chad Pennington – playing a game of catch on Monday across the nearly one-mile-wide river.

It’s part of Reebok’s multimillion-dollar effort to show off its new can-do slogan for achievement that it hopes will beat Nike’s long-time winner, “Just Do It.”

Reebok’s new slogan – “I Am What I Am” – will emerge in a commercial being shot on Monday showing the two quarterbacks on either side of the Hudson, throwing footballs high into the air to give the impression their tosses are soaring nearly a mile into each other’s arms.

Manning starts off the shoot just past dawn on the Jersey City side in Liberty State Park with the film crew from Reebok and its agency, McGarry Bowen.

After numerous takes and presumably many lost footballs, the crew moves over into Manhattan, where Pennington will hurl his tosses from the West Side Highway.